This site provides factual and objective information about the many complex aspects of climate change. Reversing what human activity has set in motion is difficult, but a sustainable future can be achieved if we all work together. It will take a concerted effort by individuals, governments and businesses to get there.

About Me

I’m David Pickut, an electrical engineer and publisher of this site. In researching and writing the articles posted here, I’ve drawn upon my decades of engineering experience with a goal of providing information that will be useful to anyone with an interest in climate change, decarbonization and renewable energy.

You can learn more about me on my LinkedIn page via the icon below.


In creation of the content for this site, we strive for accuracy. If we find errors in any published information, we will make a correction.

Wherever possible, we endeavor to verify information via more than one source.

We all need to work together and we all need more green. Let’s go.